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Marine and Coastal

Overstrand Partnership Funding Expert Advice

Status - Ongoing

NNDC via Coastal Partnership East approached RPA seeking expert review and advice on the review and update of their Partnership Funding calculations for the Overstrand coastal frontage.

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Incident Management 2

Status - Ongoing

RPA is working for the Environment Agency on the costs and benefits of incident management.

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Study on the Polluter Pays principle and Environmentally Harmful Subsidies

Status - Ongoing

RPA has recently conducted a study for the European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Environment on the Polluter Pays Principle (PPP).

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Evaluation of the EU Consumer Programme (CP 2014-2020)

Status - Ongoing

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EU Positive Pet List

Status - Ongoing

The project aims to assess the need for, added value of, and feasibility of an EU-wide positive list of animals that would be allowed to be kept and/or traded as pets in the EU.

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Coastwise Transition Plan

Status - Ongoing

RPA are supporting Royal HaskoningDHV in a study commissioned by North Norfolk District Council to review and appraise evidence and develop blueprints to inform the development of NNDC’s envisaged Coastal Change Transition Plan

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Future of the Postal Sector Study

Status - Ongoing

This study has been commissioned by the European Commission (DG GROW) and is conducted by a consortium comprising RPA and RAND Europe. The objective of this study is to define several future scenarios for the development of the European postal sector over the next 10-20 years. It aims to evaluate the economic, social and environmental implications of the scenarios. This will involve investigating potential issues, challenges and market failures that could arise, mapping the potential interventions to mitigate the identified issues and developing a methodology for the estimating the potential impacts of changes to key variables on the postal sector. We have set up a functional mailbox for this study ( Please use this email address for all correspondence. The privacy statements for stakeholder consultation under this study are available here and a supporting letter from the European Commission can be found here. The study team will be running a workshop to inform relevant stakeholders about the study and to discuss, further develop and validate the future scenarios. We are holding this workshop to listen to a range of stakeholders and discuss the likelihood of certain developments in the postal sector. The workshop will take place on Tuesday 13th February 2023 and will run from 9:30 to 15:30 CET. If you would like to attend the workshop, please register here. More detailed information and a invitation will then be sent to your registered email address.

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Kelp monitoring survey and workshop

Status - Ongoing

RPA is supporting the Environment Agency (EA) with the collation of data on kelp monitoring and research as part of the Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (NCEA) programme.

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Underwater shot of fish farming

Regional Fisheries Group Evaluation

Status - Ongoing

The Regional Fisheries Groups Evaluation will design a framework and a set of associated indicators against which a process evaluation can be carried out to examine the engagement techniques used by the Regional Fisheries Group team and examining if the regional bespoke arrangements used are appropriate and what key lessons/best practices can be extrapolated

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Project Groundwater Placemaking Planning Solutions Workstream Lead

Status - Ongoing

Project Groundwater is one of the 25 projects across England which make up the Flood and Coastal Resilience Innovation Programme (FCRIP), with the aim of increasing awareness of groundwater flooding- often nicknamed ‘the forgotten type of flooding’, across Buckinghamshire and beyond.

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Natural England risk register

Status - Ongoing

RPA’s Environment and Society team is working with Natural England and Natural Capital Solutions to produce the risk register annex for a report on the state of natural capital, compiling risks to the relationships between natural capital assets (e.g. woodlands) and the ecosystem services they provide.

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A field full of wind turbines

Net Zero – Energy Storage Research Project

Status - Ongoing

RPA is working with the Environment Agency to review existing knowledge on the environmental and social impact of energy storage techniques.

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EU Works Council

Status - Ongoing

A study to explore the issues and possible solutions in relation to the recast directive 2009/38/EC on European Works Councils

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Green Education

Status - Completed

Analytical report exploring how to ensure equal access to green skills across education and training systems

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EU Children’s Participation Platform

Status - Ongoing

The European Commission Directorate-General Justice and Consumers (DG JUST) has commissioned the ‘Establishment, management and coordination of the EU Children’s Participation Platform’

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England heritage history bridge river

Industrial Decarbonisation Cluster Plan: Economic Impact Analysis

Status - Completed

RPA worked with lead consultant Cambridge Econometrics to carry out an economic impact analysis for the Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA).

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Evaluation of the Early Transition from EU REACH to UK REACH

Status - Completed

RPA was contracted by Defra to perform an evaluation of the early transition from EU REACH to UK REACH

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Evaluation of the Mortgage Credit Directive

Status - Completed

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Guidance for the safe management of hazardous medicinal products at work

Status - Completed

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The green transition in the labour market: how to ensure equal access to green skills across education and training systems

Status - Completed

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Impact assessment on occupational exposure levels

Status - Ongoing

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Study supporting the monitoring of care credits in occupational pension schemes

Status - Ongoing

A detailed analysis of care periods and benefits provided under national occupational pension schemes to workers who suspend their professional career due to care responsibilities

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Construction products supply chain

Status - Completed

The Office for Product Safety & Standards (OPSS) which sits with the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has commissioned Risk & Policy Analysts (RPA), together with BWL Consulting to conduct a study to develop its evidence base for construction products. This research will review current practices across the construction products’ supply chains and provide insight into how the supply chains operate. This research will form a baseline over which future research proposals, focusing on different aspects of the construction products supply chains, are expected to be developed.

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Water Footprints and the Value of Water: New Concepts for Sustainable Water Utilities and Communities REF: 777

Status - Completed

This study was led by MWH (US) for the US Water Research Foundation to review use of water footprinting and the value of water.

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Knotweed Image 2

International approaches to Japanese knotweed in the context of property sales REF:1071

Status - Completed

Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica) is recognised as one of the most pernicious invasive weeds in Europe and worldwide. The UK has legislation surrounding Japanese knotweed; however, the impacts for property sales mainly stem from lenders classing properties with Japanese knotweed 7m or closer as being ‘at risk’, as per the existing RICS framework. Furthermore, there are indications that the general public perceives Japanese knotweed to be a greater risk to property than some evidence suggests, with potential impacts for property valuations and sales. Other countries may have less stringent legislation and guidance than the UK regarding Japanese knotweed. Whilst it is treated as an invasive weed, the majority of removal projects aim to reduce the environmental impacts. The Parliamentary Science and Technology Committee held a one-off oral evidence session in early 2019 to explore the science behind the effects of Japanese knotweed on the built environment. The report produced following the session included several recommendations, one of which was a desk-based research study to review international approaches to Japanese knotweed in the context of property sales.

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England heritage history bridge river

Heritage Action Zone Initiative Review REF:1047

Status - Ongoing

Study assessing the achievements of the Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) programme in England. Through the HAZ programme, Historic England works with local people and partners, including local authorities, to help breathe new life into specific places that are rich in heritage. The study assesses the achievements of the programme to date, identifying benefits, risks, issues and lessons that could be applied for future rounds.

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Person sat at desk writing a report

Setting priorities for further development and validation of test methods and testing approaches for evaluating endocrine disruptors REF: 944

Status - Completed

RPA (with wca Environment) has been commission by DG Environment to undertake a study to set priorities for further development and validation of test methods and testing approaches for evaluating endocrine disruptors.

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Image of shells on the sea shore

Evaluation of the inshore fisheries and conservation authorities REF: 1035

Status - Completed

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Impact Assessment study for Sustainable Product Measures REF: 774

Status - Completed

Under a Framework Contract with Ricardo-AEA, RPA assisted with the socio-economic aspects of an Impact Assessment study for sustainable product measures with particular reference to refrigeration and freezing equipment, transformers, sound and imaging equipment.

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Man Shaking Hands

Evaluation of Partnership Funding Policy Ref: 956

Status - Completed

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Close up of spray bottle

Approaches and tools to support consumer exposure assessment under REACH REF: 984

Status - Completed

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Review of flood risk benefits assessment REF: 987

Status - Completed

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Study on environmental and health effects of HFO refrigerants REF:972

Status - Completed

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Indicators for Industrial Emissions Policy REF: 983

Status - Completed

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Participation in the second OECD SACAME workshop REF: 960

Status - Completed

Contributing to a workshop as part of a project to develop better methods for quantification and monetisation of morbidity and environmental impacts of chemicals, and to make estimates of the social costs of these impacts of selected chemicals. The workshop contributes to an EU-financed project on “Supporting the socio-economic analysis of chemicals by allowing a better quantification and monetisation of morbidity and environmental impacts” – SACAME.

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European Environment Agency HBM4EU Policy Briefs REF: 957

Status - Completed

The European Commission has set aside €50 million for developing a European Human Biomonitoring Initiative under Horizon 2020. The HBM4EU project runs for five years (2017 to2021) with the aim of establishing a sustained Human Biomonitoring (HBM) programme post 2021.

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Data and indicators for the EU procurement “Remedies Directives” REF: 968

Status - Completed

RPA, together with EPRD and Milieu, has been commissioned by the European Commission (DG Grow) to conduct a study to explore the data available in Member States to develop indicators to evaluate the performance of the ‘Remedies Directives’.

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Emissions reduction

REACH – Overview of tools to manage hazardous substances for Article 33 REF: 930

Status - Completed

RPA was commissioned by the European Commission, Directorate General Environment, to contribute to a study led by Ökopol to provide scientific and technical support for collecting information on and reviewing available tools to track hazardous substances in articles.

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NGO Guidelines for non-governmental organisations, Botswana REF: 934

Status - Completed

RPA was subcontracted by Egis of France to provide support to the Empowering Non-State Actors (ENSA) programme in Botswana to develop a revised set of policy guidelines governing the allocation and management of funds to non-governmental organisations across the country.

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REACH Article 138 1-10 tonnes reviews REF: 909

Status - Completed

Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) came into force on 1 June 2007. REACH aims to provide a high level of protection of human health and the environment, while at the same time enhancing the competitiveness and innovative capability of the EU industry.

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Integrated planning and natural capital economic appraisal REF: 949

Status - Ongoing

This study for the Environment Agency trials ways to enhance services provided by natural capital assets and to optimise the catchment planning process through the use of economic tools. This will then support Defra’s 25 year plan for the environment.

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Impacts of Charge Variation Scenarios REF: 946

Status - Ongoing

The Environment Agency has powers under legislation to recover the costs of some of its activities. These powers enable the costs of activities to be placed onto people and organisations that use a service, rather than using funds from general taxation.

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Segmentation of potential SME market for ECHA Cloud Services for REACH registration REF: 945

Status - Ongoing

RPA has been commissioned by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to undertake a study to obtain detailed market segmentation information on potential SME users of the ECHA Cloud Services, concentrating on, but not limited to, REACH registration.

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Substitution of chemical substances of potential concern REF: 941

Status - Ongoing

RPA (with Wirtschaftskammer Österreich) has been commissioned by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) to develop and conduct a pilot action aimed at contributing to the substitution of chemical substances of potential concern by other solutions such as alternative chemical substances and/or technologies and processes. The main aims are to facilitate contacts, through the Partnership Opportunities Database (POD), between SMEs interested in replacing substances of potential concern used in their industrial processes, with solution providers, and to draw general conclusion from the exercise consisting in adapting, testing and validating the POD profiles (entry point to the POD) needed to establish the contact between SMEs in this specific field.

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Support to the Evaluation of Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 on Detergents REF: 942

Status - Ongoing

The Detergents Regulation has not undergone a full evaluation since its entry into force in October 2005. An ex-post evaluation of the Regulation is therefore considered essential in the context of the Commission’s Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme (REFIT) programme, in particular the Fitness Check on Chemicals Legislation (other than REACH) and Better Regulation Strategy.

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Extensive literature search, selection for relevance and data extraction of studies related to the toxicity of PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs in humans REF: 927

Status - Ongoing

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) received a mandate from the European Commission for a scientific opinion on the risk for human and animal health related to the presence of dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin like substances (DL-PCBs) in food and feed.

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Analysis of the socio-economic impacts of a harmonised classification of Carcinogen Category 2 for titanium dioxide REF: 918

Status - Completed

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Supporting Study for Fitness Check on the Construction Sector – The Second Phase on EU Environment, Health and Safety Legislation REF: 901

Status - Ongoing

The study’s aim was to evaluate the efficiency, coherence, effectiveness, relevance and EU added value of the selected EU legislative texts over the period 2004-14 with respect to the achievement of the objectives for a more competitive and sustainable construction sector, in particular for SMEs.

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Insights on the impact of REACH & CLP implementation on industry’s strategies in the context of sustainability REF: 937

Status - Ongoing

ECHA commissioned a study to better understand the impact of the REACH & CLP implementation on change drivers at strategic level for these organisations within their sustainability framework.

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Interim evaluation of the Horizon 2020 Secure Societies Challenge REF: 931

Status - Ongoing

RPA, in association with CSES, was commissioned by the European Commission (DG HOME - Migration and Home Affairs) to perform the interim evaluation of activities under the Horizon 2020 Secure Societies Challenge.

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DFID Evaluation of financial sector development programme in Sub-Sahara Africa REF: 916

Status - Ongoing

FSD Africa is a regional financial sector development programme established by the UK Department for International Development (DFID). FSD Africa aims to build and strengthen financial markets across Sub-Sahara Africa to provide financial services that are affordable and accessible to the poor and channel investment to the real economy to support growth in employment and incomes.

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Assessing the benefits of treating coal mine discharges REF: 914

Status - Ongoing

This study aimed to identify the water quality benefits of remediating two coal mine discharges, one in Scotland and one in Northern England. For each site, the assessment followed the updated coal methodology (RPA, 2015). The first stage involved the development of assumptions for the assessment, setting out key points such as the length of waterbody affected, the likely extent of the improvement in water quality, and whether this improvement would be sufficient to result in a status change under the Water Framework Directive (WFD).

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Socio-economic contribution of the European cosmetics industry REF: 882

Status - Ongoing

The cosmetics and personal care industry makes a significant social and economic contribution to national and regional economies across the EU. The report prepared by RPA on behalf of Cosmetics Europe, provides a comprehensive evaluation of the socio-economic contribution made by the European cosmetics industry (covering the EU-28 plus Norway and Switzerland).

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Supporting the implementation of Green Infrastructure REF: 867

Status - Ongoing

The EU Green Infrastructure Strategy adopted in May 2013 foresees a number of actions to be carried out under the lead of the European Commission in the following years. They include, for example, integrating green infrastructure (GI) into key policy areas, improving the knowledge base and encouraging innovation in relation to GI, and assessing opportunities for developing a trans-European GI network (TEN-G).

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Assessing the benefits of treating non-coal discharges REF: 913

Status - Ongoing

This work for the Coal Authority involved assessing the benefits of remediating three former mining areas. All three sites (two in Scotland, one in England) had previously been used for metal mining. This meant that the mine water discharges, along with any runoff from nearby spoil heaps, had high concentrations of metals such as zinc, lead and cadmium. This metal rich water was affecting water quality and the classification of waterbodies under the Water Framework Directive (WFD).

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International Aerospace Environmental Group Work Group 5 supply chains for compounds of concern REF: 912

Status - Ongoing

RPA is assisting Work Group 5 of the International Aerospace Environmental Group (IAEG) with an ongoing set of studies to map the supply chain for multiple compounds of concern used in the aerospace sector. The core aim of each study is to allow IAEG WG5 to understand the potential impact on the aerospace industry and its supply chain from a particular REACH Annex XIV listing, as well as the broader market for the substance(s) being assessed. These outputs may be used to formulate decisions and feed into any potential future REACH Authorisation activities.

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Valuation of Freshwater Angling in England REF: 910

Status - Ongoing

Angling is one of the most popular participant sports in England and, as such, has the potential to provide economic inputs to local economies. It also provides opportunities to connect people to the environment, and improve health and well-being in urban as well as rural areas. The Environment Agency has commissioned RPA in association with Accent, PJM Economics and fisheries expert Guy Mawle to undertake a study to value freshwater angling in England.

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Evaluation of the Compliance and Quality of Biodiversity Duty Reports 2015 REF: 905

Status - Ongoing

Scotland has a wealth of wildlife and natural environments which provide a multitude of benefits to the Scottish people on a daily basis. The benefits provided by natural systems in Scotland are estimated to be worth between £21.5 and £23 billion per year and are increasingly recognised at a national level by government policies.

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Monitoring the Impacts of REACH on Innovation, Competitiveness and SMEs REF: 852

Status - Ongoing

The overarching objective of this study for the European Commission (DG GROW) was to evaluate changes to the operational conditions and the structure of the chemicals industry and downstream industries following the introduction of the REACH Regulation over the period between 2010 and 2013.

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Development of Successor Programme to both the NAP for OVC II and the CPF in Zimbabwe REF: 887

Status - Ongoing

The aim of this consulting service is to assist in the review the National Action Plan for OVC II and facilitate the development of a successor Plan, along with a follow-on to the Child Protection Fund, a multi-donor and government supported programme to build capacity within Zimbabwe’s child protection services and support families living in poverty through cash transfers.

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The Future Economic Value of the Trent Valley REF: 892

Status - Ongoing

We have been commissioned to undertake a study to allow a comparison between the potential economic value of the Trent Valley landscape with positive coordinated/planed intervention as opposed to 'business as usual'/unplaned scenario. To do this we will take account of the current pressures for change affecting the Trent Valley landscape.

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RoHS Annex II Dossier – Restriction proposal for MCCP in electric and electronic equipment regulated by ROHS REF:889

Status - Ongoing

Assisting KEMI by preparing sections to be used in a RoHS restriction dossier for Medium Chained Chlorinated Paraffins (MCCPs). Collection and collation of hazard, exposure and SEA information for MCCP and alternatives.

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Nanomaterials in the Workplace: Assessing the Need for Modifications to Existing EU OSH Legislation REF: 771

Status - Completed

What are implications of nanomaterials for legislation relating to occupational health and safety (OSH)?

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Marine and Coastal

Adapting to Coastal Erosion: evaluation of rollback and leaseback schemes in Coastal Change Pathfinder projects REF: 858

Status - Ongoing

The objectives of this project are: A. to provide evidence to Defra and others as to whether rollback and buy/leaseback are feasible and desirable options for Local Authorities affected by coastal change where the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) recommends a policy of managed realignment of defences or no active intervention B. to provide useful evidence on rollback and buy/leaseback for Local Authorities working through their options C. to provide Local Authorities with new approaches to adapting to coastal change if rollback and buy/leaseback are found to be feasible and replicable

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Fitness of chemicals legislation REF: 877

Status - Ongoing

The aims of this study are to identify and evaluate the impact and consequences of implementation of the CLP Regulation (EC No 1272/2008 on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures) and to evaluate the way in which it interacts and coexists with other pieces of chemicals legislation.

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Woman using an IPAD

Destination Digital’s ERDF Project REF: 880

Status - Completed

The aim of this study is to carry out data collection and analysis in relation to Section 2 of the impact evaluation of Connecting Cambridgeshire's ERDF funded Destination Digital project.

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Impact of pesticides on human health REF: 875

Status - Ongoing

The aim of this project is to undertake a cost/benefit analysis (CBA) to inform the development of new arrangements to monitor and evaluate the impact of pesticides on human health, in line with the recommendation from a report of the Pesticides Adverse Health Effects Surveillance (PAHES) working group of the Advisory Committee on Pesticides (ACP), hereinafter ACP (2013).

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New income streams for wetland landowners in Brue Valley Living Landscape REF: 860

Status - Ongoing

This feasibility study, which was undertaken as part of the EU INTERREG IVA funded Value of Working Wetlands (WOW) project, aimed to map out, and take the first practical steps towards, the creation of innovative revenue frameworks which allow land managers to achieve economic sustainability while maintaining wet habitats. The study investigated areas likely to attract the highest level of agri-environment subsidy available, as well as those where funding might decrease in the future. Habitat diversity and land ownership, as well as the likely availability of funding sources also needed to be considered.

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Reviewing the methodology for assessing the benefits of mine water treatment REF: 848

Status - Ongoing

This study covered the review, further development and trial of the assessment methodology used to identify the benefits of mine water treatment schemes.

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Assessing affordability of measures to meet Water Framework Directive requirements in England REF: 855

Status - Ongoing

The objective of this project is to guide Defra and their Ministers in decisions on updating river basin management plans, in particular assessing whether measures to improve the quality of the water environment are affordable. Affordability is to be considered for each sector or group which may have to bear the costs, and at the national level and potentially the river basin district level. The sectoral definitions to be followed are those that were adopted by the Environment Agency (EA).

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Coastal Operations: Business Analysis Project REF: 872

Status - Ongoing

The purpose of this study is to investigate and document the demands on the MMO Coastal Operations team and to build a model that enables managers to forecast resource requirements to achieve planned outcomes.

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Benefits of chemical legislation on human health and the environment REF: 870

Status - Ongoing

The overall aim of this project is to define a set of indicators for the assessment and monitoring of the human health and environmental benefits delivered by the European legislative framework for chemicals.

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Cost savings and resource savings of investments in 4 SME sectors REF: 868

Status - Ongoing

The aim of this study is to provide evidence to inform discussions on a potential investment plan for SMEs, within the context of the EU Agenda for Green Growth and Jobs, and the European Semester 2015 exercise. The rationale of the study is based on the importance given to resource efficiency as a tool to promote sustainable development, as recognized in the EU policy framework and in different initiatives at the Member State level.

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Substitution of hazardous chemistry REF: 864

Status - Ongoing

This study assesses the benefit of alternatives in relation to REACH authorisation: - economic assessment of alternative substances, materials and processes (development of alternative process, adaptation of manufacturing facilities, change of waste amounts, reduced yield of process, reduced technical quality of final product, etc.) - circular economy and possibilities for recycling

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Mechanisms for compensating land managers REF: 865

Status - Ongoing

This study assesses the suitability and implications of a range of mechanisms which could be used for compensating landowners/land managers for the implementation of natural flood management measures.

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Evaluation of the Sciencewise Programme 2012-2015 REF: 862

Status - Completed

The focus for this evaluation has been to review the overall activities, achievements and impacts of the current Sciencewise programme, which runs from April 2012 to March 2015, and to draw out lessons and opportunities for the future.

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The costs and impacts of the winter 2013-14 floods REF: 859

Status - Ongoing

The purpose of this project is to establish the range of impacts and calculate the financial and economic damages which resulted from the 2013/14 winter floods.

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Construction Products Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 (the CPR) REF: 861

Status - Ongoing

The purpose of this study is to analyse the implementation of the Construction Products Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 (the CPR) in Member States as regards their legal provisions and administrative practices, as well as at the level of the whole EU.

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Human health impacts of chemicals REF: 857

Status - Ongoing

The subject of the service is the quantification and valuation of the human health impacts of chemicals, based on quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) (and related concepts). The human health impacts of interest are those relevant to the chemicals which have been subject to previous REACH Annex XVII restrictions/restriction dossiers, which are listed in REACH Annex XIV or are on the 'Candidate List', or which are expected to be subject to restriction or prioritisation in the near future. Many of these chemicals are likely to be associated with health impacts which have already been subject to measurement using QALYs and DALYs.

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Economic Consultancy Framework Agreement REF: 693

Status - Ongoing

RPA is one of the Framework Contractors providing advice to the Environment Agency for England and Wales on Economics.

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Grants4Growth – Programme Evaluation REF: 866

Status - Ongoing

The Local Enterprise Growth and Efficiency programme (also known as Grants4Growth) is funded under the East of England Regional Competitiveness and Employment programme 2007-2013 (Priority Axis 2; ERDF 2007-13) and provides the follow-up to the REV ACTIVE programme. The overall aim of the study is to research and prepare a balanced, objective evaluation report which establishes and communicates the Programme’s impact, compares reported outputs to profiled outputs, and captures key learning for appropriation by future projects.

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TCE authorisation REF:836

Status - Ongoing

RPA was contracted by the Polish chemical manufacturer Grupa Azoty S.A. to support the preparation of an application for the authorisation of the continued use of trichloroethylene (TCE, EC No.: 201-167-4, CAS No.: 79-01-6) in the manufacture of caprolactam in Grupa Azoty S.A.’s plant in Tarnow, Poland. For this project, RPA acted as a sub-contractor to its long-term partner on REACH Authorisation matters Forschungs- und Beratungsinstitut Gefahrstoffe GmbH (FoBiG).

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Study on Online Consumer Reviews in the Hotel Sector REF: 840

Status - Ongoing

The specific objectives of this study are to provide an overview of the market of online hotel reviews in the EU and of measures taken to address fake reviews and the misleading use of reviews.

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Community finance mechanisms for flood resilience research REF: 837

Status - Ongoing

The study relates to the Northamptonshire Pathfinder Project (initiated by Defra) and involved investigation of finance mechanisms for community flood resilience measures.

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Funding Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Maintenance REF: 838

Status - Ongoing

This study involves a short, focussed R&D project to identify and analyse potentially relevant examples of funding mechanisms to ensure that lessons are learned from this previous experience and fed into the future development of policy options around funding for maintenance.

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Operation of REACH REF: 741

Status - Ongoing

RPA assisted the Commission with a report on the implementation of the REACH Regulation.

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Extension of CSR Requirements under REACH REF: 839

Status - Ongoing

DG Environment commissioned RPA to provide a technical review of REACH and the registration requirements relating to substances between 1 and 10 tonnes.

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Economic and Social Benefits of Environmental Protection and Resource Efficiency REF: 834

Status - Ongoing

The study analysed existing data on three themes (financial, economic and social impacts of floods; potential of SME support on resource efficiency; and relative environmental expenditure) for DG Environment’s input to the European Semester (the annual monitoring cycle of progress on the Europe 2020 strategy).

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Proposed changes to three Special Protection Areas on the Welsh Coast REF: 833

Status - Ongoing

RPA assisted with the assessment of the relevant environmental, economic and social costs and benefits of extensions to three SPAs, to inform the Impact Assessment.

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Training for Environment Agency Staff REF: 822

Status - Ongoing

RPA provided workshops to improve the economic appraisal capability of the Environment Agency's key National Capital Programme Management Service staff in flood risk management economics.

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Harmonisation of chargers for mobile phones REF: 329

Status - Ongoing

Evaluation of near harmonisation of chargers for mobile phones and implications for other chargers of small appliances.

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Transparency of Nanomaterials on the EU Market REF: 835

Status - Ongoing

The European Commission has awarded Risk & Policy Analysts (RPA) the contract to assist with the preparation of an impact assessment on possible measures relating to nanomaterials.

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Economics of the Anglian Fens REF: 817

Status - Ongoing

RPA conducted an assessment of the wider social benefits / impacts and importance of agriculture and the agricultural supply chain in the Anglian Fens as a means to assess the likely damages from changes in flood risk.

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Sodium dichromate authorisation for SDAC REF: 804

Status - Ongoing

RPA was contracted by a consortium of nine companies to co-ordinate the preparation of an application for the authorisation of the continued use of sodium dichromate (EC No.: 234-190-3, CAS No.: 7789-12-0, 10588-01-9) in the manufacture of sodium chlorate in several plants located in Finland, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. For this project, RPA’s long-term partner on REACH Authorisation matters, Forschungs- und Beratungsinstitut Gefahrstoffe GmbH (FoBiG), was sub-contracted for the preparation of the Chemical Safety Report (CSR). The consortium of applicants was managed by ReachCentrum with which RPA and FoBiG collaborated closely for the duration of the project.

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Minewater treatment scheme benefit assessments REF: 816

Status - Ongoing

This study involved looking at 10 potential minewater discharges which were affecting waterbody status under the WFD and assessing the likely benefits of treatment.

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Impact of the Legal Choices of Member States on the Functioning of the Consumer Credit Market REF: 812

Status - Ongoing

This major study reviewed the manner and effects of the transposition of the Consumer Credit Directive into national legislation across the EU-28 plus Iceland and Norway.

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Local Economic Development and the Environment (LEDE) Toolkit: Report on Trial REF: 813

Status - Ongoing

RPA developed a toolkit to support Local Enterprise Partnerships, Local Authorities, and interested others, to build information about the economy's relationship with the environment into local economic development plans.

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On-shore Wind Turbine Risks REF: 801

Status - Ongoing

This study was the latest in a series of studies undertaken in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2012 with particular attention being given to the risks associated with ice formation.

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Study on Specific Needs for Information on the Content of Dangerous Substances in Construction Products REF: 814

Status - Ongoing

RPA were commissioned by the EC’s Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry to undertake a study on information needs for the presence of hazardous substances in construction products, with an aim to inform future revision of the Construction Products Regulation (305/2011/EU).

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Internal Drainage Board Beneficiaries and Performance Indicators REF: 795

Status - Ongoing

This report was commissioned to establish methods and tools to enable Internal Drainage Boards (IDBs) to identify the range of beneficiaries of their work, and to quantify the benefits they provide.

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Value of the Impact of Marine Protected Areas on Recreation and Tourism Services REF: 809

Status - Ongoing

Defra commissioned RPA to undertake this study on valuing the impact of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) on recreation and tourism services. The work included the development of a methodological framework and case studies.

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Arun and Rother Study REF: 807

Status - Ongoing

RPA assessed the (potential) benefits of this fluvial flood risk management scheme using an ecosystem services framework.

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Annex XV dossier on the use of cadmium REF: 805

Status - Ongoing

RPA supported ECHA in preparing an Annex XV dossier on the use of cadmium in plastics (Lot 1) and paints (Lot 2).

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Developing the Socio-Economic Evidence Base for Offshore Renewable Sectoral Marine Plans in Scottish Territorial Waters REF: 811

Status - Ongoing

The study assisted the Scottish Government to develop the socio-economic evidence base to inform Scotland's energy planning by identifying those activities that may experience socio-economic impacts as a result of offshore wind, wave and tidal development under the relevant offshore energy plans.

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Capacity Building Workshops REF: 808

Status - Ongoing

RPA provided several workshops to build economics capacity amongst Environment Agency staff.

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Socio-Economic Assessment of the Impact of Potential Restrictions on Four Phthalates on the Recycling of PVC Waste REF: 790

Status - Ongoing

Socio-Economic Assessment of the Impact of Potential Restrictions on Four Phthalates in the Recycling of PVC Waste.

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Impact Assessment Study on the Review of the Gas Appliances Directive 2009/142/EC REF: 770

Status - Ongoing

The primary objective of this study was to support the European Commission to carry out an Impact Assessment, which accompanies the proposal concerning the revision of Directive 2009/142/EC on appliances burning gaseous fuels (GAD).

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Environmental Risk Assessment Services (ERAS) REF: 798

Status - Ongoing

RPA hold a framework contract with the Environment Agency to provide Environmental Risk Assessment Services (ERAS).

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Impact Assessment Study on the Alignment of the Pressure Equipment Directive to the CLP Regulation REF: 796

Status - Ongoing

Impact Assessment study on the alignment of the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC (PED) to the New Legislative Framework (NLF) and Regulation 1272/2008/EC on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures.

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Impact Assessment Study Concerning the Charging of Electric Vehicles REF: 797

Status - Ongoing

The aim of this study was to assess the costs and benefits of adopting certain Electric Vehicles charging systems within the EU.

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National assessment of the potential problems to water supplies posed by low taste and odour threshold compounds REF: 793

Status - Ongoing

RPA assisted Cranfield University with this national assessment of the potential problems to water supplies posed by low taste and odour threshold compounds.

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Analysis of the most appropriate risk management option (RMO) for formaldehyde REF: 787

Status - Ongoing

RPA assisted TNO with this study to carry out an analysis of the most appropriate risk management option for formaldehyde in accordance with the guidelines defined by the European Institutions for such analyses.

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Water pricing: Assessment of pricing as a potential tool for freshwater management REF: 792

Status - Ongoing

Research to examine the potential effectiveness of different pricing tools in contributing to the efficient allocation and use of water, and improvements in water quality for the New Zealand Government.

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Sustainable Funding Project: Economic Advice Team REF: 794

Status - Ongoing

Meg Postle provided expert advice to SEPA on economics and policy as a member of the Economics Advice Team.

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Evaluation and Impact Assessment Activities for the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries REF: 786

Status - Ongoing

RPA leads this framework contract with support from ABP and Eric Van Hooydonk Lawyers for Lot 1: Retrospective and Prospective Evaluations on Integrated Maritime Policy.

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Impact assessment support regarding Priority (Hazardous) Substances REF: 781

Status - Ongoing

Provision of Impact Assessment support to Defra to respond to European Commission proposals for PS and PHS (Priority (Hazardous) Substances) to be included in the Water Framework Directive.

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Economic impact of soil management for agricultural fields in Wales REF: 780

Status - Ongoing

This study involved the collection and review of evidence to identify the potential financial impact that soil erosion has on typical farming systems in Wales.

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Flood and Coastal Risk Management (FCRM) Investment Needs for Environmental Obligations and Objectives REF: 779

Status - Ongoing

This project aimed to develop the evidence base that supports the EA's understanding of future risk and investment needed for flooding and coastal erosion in England and Wales over the next 25 years.

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Minewater Treatment Schemes: Benefit Assessments REF: 775

Status - Ongoing

RPA was commissioned by the Coal Authority (UK) to prepare benefit assessments for six potential minewater treatment schemes in Wales (four) and Scotland (two).

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Reverse auctions for diffuse pollution in the South East REF: 776

Status - Ongoing

This project for the Environment Agency investigated how the use of a reverse auction can reduce diffuse water pollution from agriculture in the South East Region to address specific problems within an overall catchment approach.

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The Feasibility of Introducing a Certification Scheme/Standard for Recycling Treatment Facilities REF: 772

Status - Ongoing

Study for the European Commission (DG Enterprise) to examine the feasibility of applying a certification scheme for all recycling facilities which receive EU waste, especially for waste exported to facilities outside the OECD.

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Producing a framework for non-economists to value the benefits of groundwater REF: 768

Status - Ongoing

RPA developed a resource economics-based framework for non-economists to value the benefits of groundwater.

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Impact Assessment Study Concerning the Revision of Directive 2000/9/EC Relating to Cableway Installations Designed to Carry Persons REF: 766

Status - Ongoing

RPA undertook this Impact Assessment Study for the European Commission (DG Enterprise) concerning the Revision of Directive 2000/9/EC relating to Cableway Installations designed to Carry Persons (especially ski lifts, funicular railways and gondolas (also known as cable cars)).

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Feasibility Study of Introducing Instruments to Prevent Littering REF: 767

Status - Ongoing

This major study led by RPA for the European Commission (DG Environment) into the feasibility of introducing instruments to prevent and/or clean up plastic littering.

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Wash East Coastal Management Strategy REF: 753

Status - Ongoing

This study involved working with local stakeholders and partners to identify alternative funding streams for flood and erosion risk management, and the mechanisms by which these can be captured and implemented at the local level.

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Multiple Framework Contract with Re-opening of Competition for Scientific Services for ECHA REF: 758

Status - Ongoing

RPA led a multi-national team including TNO, RIVM, DHI, Okopol and Milieu which provides technical support to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

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Support to an Annex XV Dossier on Bis-(pentabromophenyl) ether (DecaBDE) REF: 832

Status - Ongoing

Risk and Policy Analysts Ltd has been tasked to provide ECHA with the necessary information for the quantitative assessment of DecaBDE emissions from its uses, a market overview and sufficient information about the availability, technical feasibility and the risks of alternatives for the preparation of the Annex XV restriction dossier.

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Review of REACH with regard to the Registration Requirements for Polymers and 1 to 10 Tonne Substances REF: 762

Status - Ongoing

Technical assistance related to the review of REACH with regard to the registration requirements for substances manufactured or imported between 1 and 10 tonnes and the registration requirements on polymers.

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Review of Defra regulatory cost and benefit assessment REF: 759

Status - Ongoing

RPA assisted the Environment Agency with a review of Defra's 2011 assessment of the Costs and Benefits of Defra's Regulatory Stock.

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Study on the impact of EU policies and the measures undertaken in their framework on tourism REF: 755

Status - Ongoing

RPA was commissioned by the European Commission (DG Enterprise) to conduct a detailed review of EU policies and funding programmes with respect to their impact on tourism and an assessment of options for potential improvements.

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Study on Data Needs for a Full Raw Materials Flow Analysis REF: 763

Status - Ongoing

RPA assisted the European Commission (DG Enterprise) in identifying the information and data needs for a complete raw materials flow analysis (MFA) for 21 materials with a geographical focus on the EU.

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Socio-economic Baseline Review Methodology and Data Gap Analysis for Offshore Renewables in Scottish Waters REF: 761

Status - Ongoing

RPA assisted with the preparation of a baseline analysis of related social and economic activity for proposed renewables developments (offshore wind, wave and tidal stream) within Scotland’s Renewable Energy Zone.

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Assessment of the Health and Environmental Benefits of REACH REF: 754

Status - Ongoing

This project for the European Commission (DG Environment) aimed to provide a better understanding and more precision in the quantification of the benefits on human health and the environment following the current implementation of REACH.

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Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Wave and Tidal Developments: Trial Application of Methodology for Supply Chain and Carbon Savings Assessments REF: 752

Status - Ongoing

RPA managed the development of a methodology to assess the potential socio-economic impacts (both positive and negative) of Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters wave and tidal developments, covering both bottom-up and top-down assessments of socio-economic benefits and negative impacts.

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Impact Assessment of the REACH Implementation Project on Substance ID for Nanomaterials REF: 750

Status - Ongoing

What are the implications of regulating nanomaterials under REACH?

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Analysis and Evaluation of the Health, Social, Economic and Environmental Impact of a Possible Amendment of Certain EC Directives on Health and Safety at Work as a Result of the Adoption of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 REF: 732

Status - Ongoing

This study assessed the health, social, economic and environmental impacts which are due to the introduction of the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation (1272/2008) on the five occupational safety and health directives which make use of classification and labelling criteria.

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In-depth assessment of the situation of the European Footwear sector and prospects for its future development REF: 734

Status - Ongoing

In-depth assessment of the situation in the European Footwear sector and prospects for its future development.

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An Assessment of Costs of Implementation and Running of Consumer Collective Redress Mechanisms REF: 738

Status - Ongoing

This RPA study for the European Commission (DG Justice) gathered data on the implementation and running costs of the judicial mechanisms for consumers' collective redress that exist in some Member States.

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Water Protection Zones: Impact Assessment Methodology REF: 704

Status - Ongoing

RPA assisted with the development and application of a methodology for impact assessments of water protection zones (a measure to deal with diffuse pollution under the WFD).

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North Norfolk Coastal Change Pathfinder Programme: Wolferton Creek to South Hunstanton REF: 726

Status - Ongoing

Assessment of the potential mechanisms available to help fund local investment in coastal defences.

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Scratby Coastal Pathfinder Project REF: 720

Status - Ongoing

Great Yarmouth Borough Council engaged RPA to assess the Scratby community's perspectives on potential approaches to adaptation to coastal erosion.

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Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Climate Change on the Brue Valley REF: 716

Status - Ongoing

Assessment of the impacts of climate change on the habitats and land uses in the Brue Valley, Somerset with consideration given to ecosystem services.

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The Effect of Business Resource Efficiency on Employment and Competition REF: 706

Status - Ongoing

Through the analysis of specific businesses and the development of quantified modelling approaches, this study examined the impact that low-cost/no-cost ‘quick-win’ resource efficiency measures have on the UK economy.

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Impact Assessments of River Basin District Plans REF: 705

Status - Ongoing

This project is aimed at developing practical and user-friendly tools to appraise the costs and effectiveness of measures to support Water Framework Directive (WFD) policy development.

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Assessing the Health and Environmental Impacts in the Context of Socio-economic Analysis Under REACH REF: 703

Status - Ongoing

RPA developed 'logic frameworks' for assessing the health and environmental benefits of restrictions on the use of chemicals identified as posing risks at the EU-wide level or as being substances of very high concern (e.g. with persistence, bioaccumulation, toxicity, carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity or mutagenicity properties).

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Bathing Waters Impact Assessment Trial REF: 701

Status - Ongoing

A cost-benefit analysis tool for the revised Bathing Waters Directive (rBWD) was commissioned by the Environment Agency in order to assess whether the costs of actions are disproportionate and to help prioritise actions.

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Outcome Measures Review: Phase 3 REF: 678

Status - Ongoing

RPA assisted with the review of Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) outcome measures to assess whether they covered appropriate outcomes.

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Strategic Regulatory Review for the Oil & Gas Sector REF: 698

Status - Ongoing

RPA was commissioned by Oil & Gas UK to carry out a Strategic Regulatory Review of the implementation of environmental legislation in the UK Continental Shelf.

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Impact Assessment on the Review of the Package Travel Directive REF: 692

Status - Ongoing

An impact assessment of options for revisions to the Package Travel Directive was commissioned by DG SANCO as part of its Evaluation and Impact Assessment Framework Contract.

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Minewater remediation REF: 686

Status - Ongoing

This study involved valuing the benefits associated with improved water quality, recreation and biodiversity as well as non-use benefits (such as aesthetics) resulting from the clean up of minewater discharges.

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Regulatory Impact Assessment for Proposed Daughter Directive to the Water Framework Directive REF: 670

Status - Ongoing

This study addresses further work in relation to the Priority Substances Daughter Directive (WFD Article 16) for Defra.

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Environmental, economic and social impacts of the use of sewage sludge on land REF: 661

Status - Ongoing

Study on the environmental, economic and social impacts of the use of sewage sludge on land in order to assess the impacts of future policy options for possible revisions to the Sewage Sludge Directive (86/278/EEC).

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Study on the Costs and Benefits of EMAS to Registered Organisations REF: 663

Status - Ongoing

A study (led by Milieu) to identify the real costs of EMAS (Eco-Management & Audit Scheme) to a range of organisations, as well as identifying those benefits that may be reaped from participation in the scheme and from subsequent improvements in internal environmental management.

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Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management appraisal guidance REF: 633

Status - Ongoing

This study consisted of the revision and updating of the flood and coastal erosion risk management guidance.

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Project Appraisal Report: South Lowestoft Coastal Study REF: 635

Status - Ongoing

RPA assisted with development of the economic appraisal and the Project Appraisal Report (PAR) for South Lowestoft.

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Coast Protection Partnership Feasibility Study REF: 627

Status - Ongoing

Costs and benefits of amalgamating the engineering expertise within Norfolk/Suffolk coastal authorities to provide a centralised service or the benefits of partnership arrangements.

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Simplification of EU Legislation in the Field of Textile Names and Labelling: An Impact Assessment of Policy Options REF: 626

Status - Ongoing

Study to review impacts of simplification of EU legislation relating to textile names and labelling (under DG Enterprise Impact Assessment framework).

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The Producer Responsibility Principle of the WEEE Directive REF: 572

Status - Ongoing

RPA assisted Okopol with this study for the European Commission (DG Environment) to evaluate the operation of the WEEE Directive's provisions related to producer responsibility and to consider options to improve their operation.

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Impact of European Regulation on the EU Cosmetics Industry REF: 574

Status - Ongoing

This project encompassed a review (for DG Enterprise under Lot 3 Impact Assessment Framework) of the impacts of the Cosmetics Directive upon the industry.

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Study on RoHS and WEEE Directives REF: 575

Status - Ongoing

This study on the impacts on innovation and competition from the RoHS and WEEE Directives addressed the development of mass-flows for hazardous substances in different products.

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The Policy Options for Revision of Council Directive 89/106/EEC REF: 562

Status - Ongoing

RPA undertook an Impact Assessment of proposed changes to the Construction Products Directive (CPD) for DG Enterprise.

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Developing an evidence base for improving appraisal guidance REF: 538

Status - Ongoing

This review of the FCDPAG series of flood appraisal guidance identifies where it worked well and where changes were needed.

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Options to Improve Coastal Access in England: Study to Investigate Costs REF: 543

Status - Ongoing

This study for Natural England looked into costing options for improving access to the coast the through provision of coastal paths.

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Eco-rafts: A Sustainable Tourism Initiative in the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads REF: 517

Status - Ongoing

RPA assisted the Broads Authority with the development of 'eco-raft' tourism.

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Establishing a Comparative Inventory of Approaches and Methods Used by Enforcement Authorities for the Assessment of the Safety of Consumer Products Covered by Directive 2001/95/EC on General Product Safety and Identification of Best Practices REF: 497

Status - Ongoing

RPA reviewed the effectiveness of the General Product Safety Directive across EU Member States with regard to use of formal and informal risk assessment methodologies for DG SANCO.

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Study on the Impact of the Revision of the Council Directive 88/378/EEC on the Safety of Toys REF: 464

Status - Ongoing

RPA assisted DG Enterprise to review the implications of planned revisions to the Toy Safety Directive.

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Assessment of Best Practices in Fairgrounds and Amusement Parks in Relation to Safety of Consumers REF: 465

Status - Ongoing

DG SANCO commissioned RPA to review the safety of amusement parks and fairgrounds with a particular focus on the effectiveness (or otherwise) of non-regulatory safety measures implemented at international, national and local levels.

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Comparative Study on Cosmetics Legislation in the EU and Other Principal Markets with Special Attention to so-called Borderline Products REF: 457

Status - Ongoing

Under Lot 3 of the DG Enterprise Impact Assessment Framework, RPA conducted a review of the impacts of the Cosmetics Directive upon the industry.

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Study to assist the assessment of the positive and negative impacts expected from the different policy options identified with regard to Commission basic orientations for the sustainability of European tourism REF: 450

Status - Ongoing

RPA undertook an Impact Assessment of policy options for promoting measures which will enhance sustainable tourism (for DG Enterprise).

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Harmonised Criteria for Good Accessibility of Tourist Sites and Infrastructures for Disabled People REF: 418

Status - Ongoing

In this study for DG Enterprise, RPA reviewed existing criteria on accessibility (for the disabled) to European tourist sites and destinations with a view to harmonisation.

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Inedibles in Food Product Packaging REF: 413

Status - Ongoing

In this study, RPA examined the degree of risk associated with the presence of inedibles (such as small toys) in food packaging for the European Parliament.

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The appraisal of human related intangible impacts of flooding REF: 359

Status - Ongoing

RPA led this major Defra study to assess the adverse health impacts (including stress) of flooding.

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Child Protection Fund Evaluation REF: 878

Status - Ongoing

Under a sub-contract with Coffey International, RPA have been requested to assist with a cost-benefit analysis of the Harmonised Social Cash Transfer component of the Child Protection Fund, a multi-donor financed programme in Zimbabwe which was set up to deliver on Government of Zimbabwe policy and action planning (specifically, the National Action Plan for Orphans and Vulnerable Children II) on social service provision (particularly child protection) and social transfers to the poorest and most vulnerable.

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