Evaluation of the EU Consumer Programme (CP 2014-2020)
The European Commission Directorate-General Justice and Consumers (DG JUST) has commissioned RPA to undertake an ex-post evaluation of the EU Consumer Programme (2014-2020). The EU Consumer Programme provides a valuable role in consumer protection by ensuring product safety, consumer rights and redress, enforcement of consumer rights and raising consumer awareness across the EU.
The evaluation will identify:
- The effectiveness of the CP;
- The efficiency in use of resources;
- The scope for simplification of the CP;
- How coherent the CP is internally and externally;
- Possible synergies or complementarities with other EU programmes;
- How relevant the objectives continue to be;
- The contribution of the measures to the EU priorities of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth;
- Whether the CP provides EU added value; and
- Whether the effects of the CP are sustainable (long lived).
The study involves the collection of information, interviews and workshops with a broad range of stakeholders. Please get in touch if you would like to be involved in these discussions. A supporting letter from the European Commission is available here.
If you have any questions about the study, please contact: consumerprogeval@rpaltd.co.uk