Continued Authorisation success for RPA chromate clients
Following on from six favourable European Commission summary decisions for RPA’s Sodium Dichromate Authorisation Consortium (SDAC) clients, published on 14 June 2017, the EU REACH Committee has now unanimously voted in favour of ‘long’ (12-year) review periods for two additional SDAC members; Arkema France and Akzo-Nobel Pulp and Performance Chemicals AB.
RPA and FoBiG were responsible for the development of the SDAC application dossiers and collaborated with the companies throughout all stages of the process.
Commenting on the overall voting results, which were published on 11 October 2017, Panos Zarogiannis, RPA’s Technical Director and leader of Authorisation services, acknowledged the continued success of the SDAC applications and highlighted that “the sustained success in securing multiple 12-year review periods shows that the ECHA committees were clearly satisfied with the submitted dossiers. The long review period offer business certainty not only to the manufacturers of sodium chlorate but also the downstream users of the substance in the pulp and paper industry as well as other specialist users of substances that depend on sodium chlorate”.
In each case SEAC highlighted the robust nature of the conclusion that the benefits outweigh the risks of continued use.