Flooding & Erosion

As communities face increasing risks from flooding and erosion resulting from climate change, it is critical to consider not just the direct impacts in terms of damage and displacement towards individuals, but also the social, economic and environmental consequences, and to include these as essential components in decision-making. This is especially important with the increasing focus on resilience of individuals, communities, properties, infrastructure and ecosystems. This is where our team at RPA has unique experience in the sector.

Working with UK government departments, agencies, local authorities, and other Risk Management Authorities (RMAs) RPA has extensive experience in both policy and project appraisal for flood and coastal erosion risk management (FCERM). Our work aims to centre those at risk in decision-making and through the development of new methodologies and engagement, enabling as many of the impacts of flooding and erosion to be described, quantified and monetised. We support our clients and partners in  delivering difficult conversations in a complex and emotive environment.

RPA has wide-ranging experience across the FCERM sector, with Pippa van Kuijk having 16 years of working across FCERM in policy, strategy and appraisal, and our Environment Director, Teresa Fenn, bringing over 25 years of FCERM knowledge to direct the team.



Through this experience, our team bring expertise across the field of flooding and erosion risk management including work in:

  • Developing, applying and reviewing assessment and appraisal methodologies and decision-making frameworks for government flood risk management policy, and reviewing approaches to the valuation of social, economic and environmental impacts.
  • Evaluating specific FCERM policies, programmes, plans, and projects.
  • Undertaking engagement activities with local stakeholders and communities to bring their views into decision-making, and encouraging greater understanding in how and where the beneficiaries of FCERM can contribute through partnership funding.
  • Undertaking projects on flood risk management, coastal protection, water level management and land drainage schemes for the Environment Agency, Internal Drainage Boards and District Councils; and with flooding in an area/in areas and identifying appropriate risk management measures.