Only 9 days left to pre-register low tonnage substances
The final registration deadline for existing chemicals manufactured or imported in the EU/EEA from 1 to 100 tonnes a year is on 31 May 2018. If manufacturers and importers wish to benefit from this extended deadline for registering, they must pre-register their substances and many have already done so. However, if any company has only recently started manufacturing or importing a non-CMR (carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction) phase-in substance in amounts of 1 to 100 tonnes a year, they can pre-register within six months after starting their relevant activity but this must be completed by 31 May 2017 so that they will be allowed to continue supplying the substance onto the EU/EEA market for another year.
Without a pre-registration or registration after 31 May 2017, companies will need to submit an inquiry to ECHA and register their substance before they can manufacture or import them. The same applies already for chemicals manufactured or imported in volumes higher than 100 tonnes per year or one tonne per year for CMR substances.
Advice on pre-registration is available on ECHA’s website, here.
In a similar context, RPA has been contracted by ECHA to carry out a survey aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in relation to REACH registration. The objective of the study is to collect data and information on SMEs experience of the REACH registration process. If you wish to participate, please click here.