Feasibility study on a conformity assessment database for CE marked products

The European Commission is looking into the possibility of digitalising conformity assessment certificates by collecting them for all CE-marked products in a database (provisionally referred to as the Digital Solution for Conformity Verification (DSCV)).

A consortium comprising RPA Europe Prague and its partners (Risk & Policy Analysts Ltd and RPA Europe) has been contracted by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) to carry out a feasibility study of creating a new or expanding an existing database to gather the conformity assessment certificates for all CE marked products.

The specific objectives of the DSCV are to:

  • Ensure product safety by making market surveillance easier and thus reducing fraud;
  • Trim the bureaucracy of managing CE-marking for all economic actors by reducing paperwork;
  • Support customs control; and
  • Enable consumers and retailers to access reliable data about a product’s CE marking.

The study will involve stakeholder consultation in the form of interviews, an online survey and a workshop. These will help to assess the data needs of the relevant stakeholders based on their roles in the context of the EU Single Market and the New Legislative Framework. The relevant stakeholders include: customs authorities; market surveillance authorities; accreditation bodies; notifying authorities; notified bodies; manufacturers; distributors; importers; exporters; consumers/end-users; and managers of comparable existing databases.

Completing this survey, will help us to assess how your organisation currently accesses conformity data and your needs relating to the potential DSCV.

The deadline for completion of the questionnaire is 31 May 2024.

A supporting letter from the European Commission is available here.

The privacy statements are here for surveys, interviews and workshops.

If you have any questions about the study, please contact: ce-mark-database@rpaltd.co.uk