Socio-Economic Analysis (SEA)

RPA Ltd offers Socio-Economic Analysis (SEA) as part of its services, which is a powerful tool for assessing the trade-offs involved in policy-making decisions.

SEA has played a crucial role in the development of environmental and health protection legislation, both in the European Union (EU) and other regions. For instance, it has been utilized in the restriction and authorization process under the REACH Regulation in the EU. The objective is to evaluate the economic impacts, including unintended consequences, that may arise from the regulation of industrial chemicals, plant protection products, and biocidal products. By conducting SEA, potential social and economic factors are taken into account when formulating regulations, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the potential impacts.

Moreover, SEA has gained traction in the industrial sector, where it serves as a means to demonstrate the social and economic contributions made by products, organizations, and sectors to countries, regions, and the global economy as a whole. RPA has extensive experience in helping industries measure their socio-economic contributions, including factors such as employment, wages, and GDP. By conducting thorough SEAs, RPA can assist in quantifying and highlighting the broader benefits and contributions of various industries.

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RPA’s expertise in conducting SEAs is particularly notable in the context of REACH. REACH is a comprehensive regulation that focuses on the registration, evaluation, authorization, and restriction of chemicals in the EU. RPA’s unparalleled experience in this area allows them to provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the SEA process.

The specific services offered by RPA in the field of SEA include:

  • Assessing the benefits to human health and the environment resulting from reduced exposure to hazardous substances. This analysis helps in understanding the positive impacts of regulatory measures on public health and environmental well-being.
  • Identifying critical quality attributes of raw materials or substances and exploring potential options for input substitution. This helps industries navigate potential challenges and find suitable alternatives that align with regulatory requirements.
  • Assessing the impacts associated with the loss of a critical product on the upstream and downstream value chains. This analysis helps in understanding the potential consequences of removing or restricting certain products, ensuring that the broader economic implications are considered.
  • Analysing relevant market data to gain insights into market dynamics, trends, and potential impacts on various stakeholders.
  • Conducting supply-chain surveys to gather comprehensive data on socio-economic factors, such as employment, wages, and economic dependencies.
  • Providing socio-economic data that can be used for external communication with clients, regulators, and the wider public. This information enables transparent and effective communication, facilitating better understanding and stakeholder engagement.

By leveraging our expertise in socio-economic analysis, RPA supports clients in making well-informed decisions by considering a wide range of social and economic factors. This comprehensive approach ensures that policies and regulations are developed with a deeper understanding of their potential impacts and benefits.